How Do I Use the Recurring Invoice Management Tab?

The Recurring Invoice Management Tab offers you complete control and flexibility over your recurring billing processes. This powerful tool allows you to view, edit, and delete recurring invoice templates directly within the application, providing a centralized interface where you can access all your templates with details like schedules, invoice specifics, and linked invoices.

Note: Templates are not invoices themselves. Templates tell the system how/when to create an invoice.

To find the recurring invoice template tab, navigate in Collective OS to My Clients > Client Name > Invoices > Recurring Invoice Templates. Here, you’ll find all your templates for your client in one place.

To view your recurring invoice templates, click the three-vertical dots on the invoice line item, and select View Recurring Invoice Template. Here, you can review all relevant information for the recurring invoice, including recurrent scheduling, status, payment terms, invoice types, and more.

To edit your recurring invoice templates, click the three-vertical dots on the invoice line item, and select Edit Recurring Invoice Template. This allows users to modify all aspects of a recurring invoice template, including invoice type, billing information, payment terms, recurrence schedule, line items, and any associated attachments. 

To stop your recurring invoice templates, click on the three-vertical dots on the invoice line item, and select Stop Recurring Invoice. This will prevent any future invoices from being sent. Note: If the invoice has already been sent and you need to stop it you must email 

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