How to send a document for signature

To send a document for signature, first go to the document you want to send, then in the upper left-hand corner, click on File, download, and download as a PDF.

Then in your web browser, type in Drop, Box Sign Free Trial. Scroll down until you see DropBox Sign, formerly HelloSign.

The web address is In the upper right-hand corner, click on Free Trial, Sign up with Google, and select your Chameleon account.

Then hit Agree Create and Continue. Then in the upper left-hand corner, click on Sign Documents. Upload the document we downloaded earlier. 1:16 Then hit next. Type in the client's contact information and email address. Add another signer and add the chameleon signer. 

And hit next. Scroll down to the signature. Now let's add the signature places. On the left-hand side, we are going to drag and drop.

First, let's do the client. Now let's switch over to the chameleon. To switch over to the chameleon, click on the signer, change to the chameleon contact, and drag and drop. 

Once this looks good, hit next. Title the document, and add a message if you wish. And hit send for signature.