How Do I Create a New Customer in Collective OS?

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To create a new customer you must first navigate to the Clients tab on the left-hand side. In the upper right-hand corner, click Add Client.
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Type the name of the company in the search bar. If the company already exists in the system select the company from the drop down and click save. Then click Yes, Send to send a request to be added to that company.
If the company does not exist in the system click add new company at the bottom of the dropdown. 
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Fill out the Company Name, Website, Industry, Number of Employees & Upload the Company Logo. If you have not signed a contract yet select Lead / Prospect if you have select customer.

Screenshot 2023-11-27 150009-jpgFor either case be sure to fill out the contact details and billing details (if applicable)
image-png-Nov-27-2023-08-02-28-1626-PMAlways remember to hit Save in the bottom right-hand corner.